Vote your hopes, not your fears. Vote Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor.

Richmond For All
3 min readFeb 22, 2021

Virginians need a champion who will deliver results for working families and take on the fight to build a democratic government that is truly of and for the people. We need Jennifer Carroll Foy as our next Governor.

For far too long, Virginia’s government has been dominated by the influence of wealthy corporations and individuals. Democrats have won both houses and the Governor’s mansion, yet we still see rampant, completely legal corruption in the form of unlimited campaign donations. Right now, Virginia has a real opportunity to turn the page and elect a Governor who will fight for all Virginians.

Jennifer Carroll Foy is running on a strong, progressive platform that will do just that: fight for everyday working Virginians. As a public defender she is clear on the stakes of securing racial justice in our state. She knows what it means to take on uphill battles and win. She has sponsored important legislation such as banning chokeholds from law enforcement and legalizing Marijuana. She has worked to push for a paradigm shift in how we approach juvenile justice.

From the very beginning of her career, she has refused contributions from publicly-regulated utility corporations and their executives, like Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power. She was also a co-sponsor of the Virginia Green New Deal. Her commitment to fighting for environment justice is unparalleled among her opponents.

She has been a tireless advocate for Virginian workers. She is committed to the repeal of so-called “right-to-work laws” that undermine the ability of workers to act collectively in their own interest. Jennifer Carroll Foy knows that strong unions mean a stronger economy that benefits all Virginians. Foy has emerged as the sole labor candidate. That is why she has earned endorsements from the Amalgamated Transit Union, Teamsters Local 730, Teammates Joint Council 55, American Federation of Government Employees Local 252, Steamfitters Local 602, United Brotherhood of Carpenters, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 26.

As a graduate of Petersburg Public Schools and Virginia Military Institute, she often speaks about the deficits and inequities of her secondary education. Her experiences provide her with a keen understanding of the need for a high-quality public education system. No candidate can credibly claim they are for funding public education if they aren’t willing to demand everyone pay their fair share of taxes. That means taxing the wealthiest among us and ensuring a fair, progressive tax. Jennifer Carroll Foy understands that a student’s learning conditions are a teacher’s working conditions, which is why she is committed to the fight for collective bargaining rights for public sector workers, including publicly committing to only appointing educators who support collective bargaining rights to serve on Boards of Visitors for state universities.

She is calling for a massive overhaul of the ethics laws that govern legislators and the executive branch. She has promised to ban political donations from corporations, limit political donations, and limit the influence of lobbyists. These are necessary reforms so that the wealthy few do not have an outsized influence on governance in our state.

Under Jennifer Carroll Foy’s leadership, we can have a democratic government in Virginia committed to tackling the problems we face and supporting us in collectively charting a path forward. She is the leader who can unite Virginians around a progressive agenda that delivers. We believe in what Virginia can be and we know Jennifer Carroll Foy is the leader to take us there.

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Richmond For All

#RichmondForAll is a coalition of individuals and organizations fighting for housing, education, environmental, & racial justice. We put #PeopleOverProfit.